Digital Illusions: Why Your Child Isn’t Really “Good” with Technology

As a kid, I was mesmerized by the colorful arcade screens in the bar across from my school. While other kids ran off to play soccer when the bell rang, I would spend hours in front of an old Galaxian arcade machine. One afternoon in the ’80s, I saw a TV commercial for software that allowed you to create your own video game on the Commodore 64. From that moment, I started pestering my parents, with the relentless persistence only children possess, to buy me a computer. However, that year, I had to make a tough choice: for my birthday, it was either a PC or my first electric guitar. Ultimately, my passion for music prevailed, and I got my first Stratocaster knock-off. Despite choosing music, my fascination with technology never faded. I eventually convinced my parents to let me attend a programming course. I vividly remember walking into that class with my briefcase, which held a massive manual in five volumes, probably still sitting in my parents’ house. One of the first things I learn…

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